Crown & Bridge

Our crown and bridge department provides a high level of detail, artistry and understanding to service your patients with exceptional results.

In collaboration with our CAD/CAM system, we can produce several different options and material alike to give natural results.
We offer several metal and metal free material restoration options:
– PFM (Porcelain Fused To Metal Crowns & Bridges)
– Gold (Inlays, Onlays, Crowns)
– Post & Core (Zirconia & PFM)
– Zirconia (Crowns, Bridges)
– E-Max (Inlays, Onlays, Crowns and Veneers)
– PMMA temporary
– Diagnostic wax up

At Melbourne Smiles, we also offer a shade taking service for your patients. They are welcome to come to our Windsor clinic and you’ll receive a small charge for this.